Hand-drawn map of South America by Miguel Buigas and Miguel Martorell

Hand-drawn map South America

Plano esférico que contiene la costa de Guayana en la América Septentrional..., Miguel Buigas; Miguel Martorell Alsina, 1805

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 1977C

Object name: nautical chart

Title: Plano esférico que contiene la costa de Guayana en la América Septentrional...

Object date: 1805

Author: Miguel Buigas; Miguel Martorell Alsina

Technique and material: hand-drawn in ink and pencil on paper


This map from 1805 is entitledSpherical map that contains the coast of Guiana in South America between the Esguibo and Orinoco rivers, and the part of the River that goes from the Maximum Point to the City of St. Thomas in New Guiana; according to the most precise news of the explorations of that coast, delineated and drawn by Miguel Buigas and Miguel Martorell y Alsina, navigators.”

The map shows the route taken by the two sailors up the Orinoco river, marked in red ink. The coordinates are: O 60° 32′ – O 56° 47’/N 9° 05′ – N 6° 45′. The meridian of origin is at San Fernando, in Cádiz. The map has an approximate scale of 1:434,000.