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Crewmembers at the bow of the Pesa
Tripulants de l'embarcació Pesa participant en la classe Época Aurica, en la III Regata Puig-Vela Clàssica Barcelona, Diego Yriarte, 2010
Llegir més
Num. inventory: 58174F
Object name: digital photograph
Title: Tripulants de l'embarcació Pesa participant en la classe Época Aurica, en la III Regata Puig-Vela Clàssica Barcelona (Crewmembers of the Pesa participating in the Època Àurica class, in the III Puig-Vela Clàssica Barcelona Regatta)
Object date: 2010
Color: color
Suport: digital
Author: Diego Yriarte
Technique and material: digital photography (Canon 5D, 70/200-2.8).
Crewmembers at the bow of the Pesa, which is participating in the 3rd Puig-Vela Clàssica Barcelona Regatta, in the Època Àurica class. The photographer captured a moment of tension, with the foredeck hand hanging from the bowsprit. The author’s journalistic rigour in documenting international sporting events can be seen in a high-quality photograph resulting from the dominance of a careful photographic technique, and a special sense for capturing the beauty and the strength of sails and ships almost at the waterline.