Stereoscopic photograph of officers on the steamship Infanta Isabel

Vista estereoscòpica del oficials del vapor Infanta Isabel, de la Cia. Pinillos, prenent marcacions amb el sextant, unknown, 1919

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 31947F

Object name: positives (photographs)

Title: Vista estereoscòpica del oficials del vapor Infanta Isabel, de la Cia. Pinillos, prenent marcacions amb el sextant (Stereoscopic view of the officers on the Cia. Pinillos steamship Infanta Isabel, taking sights with the sextant).

Object date: 1919

Color: black and white

Suport: paper

Author: unknown

Technique and material: photographic negative/stereoscopy


Stereoscopic photograph of a group of officers on the Compañía Pinillos steamship Infanta Isabel, taking sights on deck using a sextant. This photograph shows the officers measuring the height of the sun over the horizon at midday, under the supervision of the captain or first mate. The description on the back reads: “Steamship Infanta Isabel. Time to take a sight. 1919”.