Painting of the Cap de Santa Cristina, by Josep Amat Virgili

Painting Cap de Santa Cristina

Cap de Santa Cristina, Josep Amat Virgili, c. 1918-1925

Llegir més

Num. inventory: 839

Object name: painting

Title: Cap de Santa Cristina

Object date: c. 1918-1925

Author: Josep Amat Virgili

Technique and material: oil on canvas.


Oil on canvas, painted between 1918 and 1925, showing one section of the Catalan Costa Brava, the Cap de Santa Cristina, in the municipality of Lloret de Mar (Girona). The Costa Brava has always been an idyllic space for landscape painters. The section of the coast going from Portbou to Blanes known by this name is a wild and primitive area promoted as a tourist destination since the beginning of the 20th century. The name, which has since become a commercial brand, was conceived by the journalist Ferran Agulló in 1908.